Samm Teknoloji - News


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  • Socar Star Refinery-6

    We have successfully signed contract for all electrical work in SOCAR Star refinery project

    We have successfully signed contract for all electrical work in SOCAR Star refinery project Samm Technology News Date: 16 Aralık 2015 Duration of the project: 30 Ay Employer: İlk İnşaat A.Ş. Name of the company: Socar Ege Rafinerisi Our company is going to make all electrical works in construction in a project with 5 billion…

  • Prizes for our loyal customers

    Prizes for our loyal customers Date: 2014-12-16 We love to hear from our customers that is why last week we launched online survey The selected comments of this week are the following: Mehmet Faruk Ç.  Samm Teknoloji ile ilk tanışmamız, internet üzerinden RaspberryPi araştırmamız sırasında gerçekleşti. Diğer alternatifler arasından, müşteriler için çok daha rahat bir…

  • The pre Order of Raspberry Pi Zero started

    The pre Order of Raspberry Pi Zero Has Started

    On November 26 2015, Raspberry Pi Zero was announced great global interest. The global sales of Zero, which is the cheapest computer in the world, will start in the coming days. You can pre-order your Raspberry Pi ZERO from and it will delivered to you in January. About Samm Teknoloji Samm Teknoloji is a manufacturing…

  • Raspberry Pi

    Raspberry Pi Zero

    Raspberry Pi continues to produce tiny computers with great value. The original Raspberry Pi Model B and its successors put a programmable computer within reach of anyone with $20-35 to spend. Since 2012, millions of people have used a Raspberry Pi to get their first experience of programming, but we still meet people for whom…

  • HalkBank Elects Domestic Turkish Solutions

    First Raspberry Pi Class Opened In Turkey

    The whole world has evolved into in new era of Technology that changed the way children see and learn about the world, which makes it mandatory for Turkey to be a part of the leading movement. To spark the beginning of this move in our country we have done the first technology class about Raspberry…

  • Customizable Raspberry Pi Production Begins

    Customizable Raspberry Pi Production Begins

    Raspberry Pi is used by an enormous amount of people with different never ending purposes and usages. The Raspberry Pi is very flexible, however the demand of more features and the modifications for each project have made the need for a ‘Customized’ Raspberry Pi an understandable necessity. Under an agreement with Raspberry Pi the Element14 service gives…

  • Raspberry Pi Is Coming to Izmir

    Raspberry Pi Is Coming to Izmir

    As Samm Teknoloji we are adding a new activity to recently organized Raspberry Pi activities. This time we are on the way of Izmir! There will be two different activities  at two different  places on 23th and 24th October. First place is GNN offices First activity will be at 23 October Friday at Gnn Offices.  It will…

  • Where is Jessie

    Raspbian Jessie

    Jessie is here? Who’s Jessie? Wasn’t she the cowgirl doll in “Toy Story 2” – you know, the one who got abandoned in a park to that Sarah McLachlan song, resulting in at least one software engineer finding he had something in his eye at that point…? Yes, it is that Jessie, but not in…

  • Raspberry Pi Presentation 2

    After successfull presentation of Raspberry Pi in Istanbul Technical University we decided to repeat it. This time it will be in Atolye Istanbul. TOPICS: DATA: 15.09.2015 TUESDAYTIME: 19:00 – 20:30SPEAKER:RAMAZAN SUBAŞI (RASPBERRY PI PRODUCT MANAGER)ADDRESS: FIRUZAĞA MAHALLESI, ÇUKURCUMA CADDESI, NO:19/A, BEYOĞLU, İSTANBUL (MASUMIYET MÜZESI’NIN KARŞISI) About Samm Teknoloji Samm Teknoloji is a manufacturing and engineering company with services in different sectors, especially…

  • Raspberry Pi Display

    Raspberry Pi Touch Display

    It’s been 2 years since s Raspberry Pi’ s foundation LCD monitor project has started. In the begining this project was planned as a 6 month long, but because of some diffuclties accurred during the project it was prolonged. Now you can use new LCD monitor with your Raspberry Pi HDMI output for your remote projects.  For…